How Much Is The Average Water Bill In Australia?

In a post-lockdown world where living costs are ramping up, it’s never been more important to know where you can make savings on your bills. In this blog post, our experts look at how much the average water bill is in Australia, what costs are included on a water bill and how you can reduce yours.

Which costs are included on an Australian water bill?

There are several costs included in a water bill, which are:

Water supply charges (sewerage)

The water supply charge relates to the amount of water you use. It covers all of your usage, including both drinking water and any waste that comes from your house, such as the toilet or washing machine — essentially, it applies to anything that goes down the drain.

Water treatment charges

The water treatment charge covers the cost of treating drinking water. It’s usually a small percentage of your total bill, and it’s adjusted depending on the quality of your water source and how many contaminants are filtered out.

Waste water charges

As its name suggests, the wastewater charge refers to the wastewater that your home or business generates. Wastewater is defined as any liquid waste that doesn’t contain toilet paper or human waste.

Storm water drainage charges

The stormwater drainage charge covers the cost of cleaning up stormwater runoff, which can be contaminated by litter or harmful chemicals.

Sewerage user charges

The sewerage user charge is a fixed fee that is paid to the water authority for the use of sewerage services. The charge is calculated on a per-capita basis and covers the cost of maintaining the infrastructure needed to deliver the service.

How much is the average water bill in Australia?

According to a survey conducted in August 2022, the average water bills in Australia per quarter were:

  • Queensland - $251
  • Victoria - $247
  • South Australia - $225
  • New South Wales - $204
  • Western Australia - $18

How much water do we use in Australia?

Despite being the driest inhabited continent, Australians have the highest water usage per person in the world. The average daily usage is 340L per person, which drops to 100L per person in coastal areas but reaches as high as 800L per person in some inland regions. But what is this water being used for? The below list is a rough guide:

  • Toilet: 12L per flush
  • Bath: 100L per use
  • Shower: 200L every 10 minutes
  • Dishwasher: 50L per load
  • Washing machine: 150L per load
  • Drinking, cooking and cleaning: 10L per day for

What factors influence water bills?

There are a number of factors that influence water bills, including:

Where you live (e.g., in rural areas, how far away you live from a desalination plant)

  • The size of your household (the more people in your home, the more water you'll use)
  • The type of plan you have (fixed rate or pay-as-you-go)
  • Any water restrictions in place
  • Leaks
  • The number of appliances you have

In some states, like South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, water restrictions are enforced during dry periods to ensure that everyone’s water needs can be met. These restrictions can affect how much water you use per week or month depending on where you live. If you live in an area where there is no drought and no restrictions in place, then the amount of water used by each person will likely be more than someone living in an area where strict water usage policies are in force.

It’s worth bearing in mind that families with children under 18 years old typically use more water too (baths, showers and washing machines are used more often), as do those with swimming pools.

How to reduce your water bill

Here are three sure-fire tips that can help you to reduce the cost of your water bill:

  • Fix leaks as soon as possible - while it might not seem like you're losing a lot of water, when you ignore a dripping or leaking tap, the amount of water you lose will slowly add up over time, leading to more expensive water bills. It's simple enough to tighten leaky pipes yourself, but if you do this and the problem persists, consider hiring a plumber.
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving - One of the best ways to reduce your water bill is by turning off the tap when brushing your teeth and shaving. This simple action can save you hundreds of gallons of water each year!
  • Install a water meter - A water meter measures the amount of water you use, providing real-time information that you can monitor yourself. If you're concerned about rising water bills, you can use this information to make changes that will lower your consumption and save money.

For more information on the average water bill in Australia, or how to reduce yours, contact a member of our team today.

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